💻 Find a job

Cover Letter Template + Tutorial

German-Style CV Template + Tutorial

Get Hired in Germany Online Course
Job Resignation Template
🏡 Find an apartment
Find a Long-term Apartment (eBook + Bonuses)
Move Within Germany Checklist + Bonus Templates
🪴 Master daily life
Recycling Made Simple
🇩🇪 Get PR and Citizenship
German Citizenship / LiD Questions in English
Lebenslauf (CV) Template for Citizenship application
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Disclaimer: Any results or successes stated on this website and in the products are individual results. Please understand individual results cannot be guaranteed. We are not implying you will achieve similar results, or even get hired in Germany yourself. We are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many deciding factors, such as (but not limited to), your background, experience, and commitment. Moving to Germany requires huge effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that and put in the work, please DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS ACADEMY.
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